Modeling Mode Logic in Embedded MATLAB

バージョン (11.7 KB) 作成者: Kiran Kintali
Implementing Mealy and Moore FSMS in an Embedded MATLAB block
ダウンロード: 2.7K
更新 2016/9/1


A finite state machine is a representation of a reactive system. In an event-driven system, the system makes a transition from one state (mode) to another prescribed state, provided that the condition defining the change is true.
Stateflow is the best tool for modeling finite state machines. It provides very sophisticated capabilities to build hierarchical and parallel state machines, temporal logic and state entry/during/exit actions etc.,

However there are many Signal Processing and Communications applications where in when writing a very data flow centric algorithms, there comes a need to write a simple controller embedded in the algorithm.This example shows how to implement such a simple mealy or more state machine in Embedded MATLAB control using control flow constructs.

Mealy: y = f(x,u)
all actions are condition actions and outputs are function of state and input

Moore: y = f(x)
all actions are state actions and outputs are pure functions of state only


Kiran Kintali (2024). Modeling Mode Logic in Embedded MATLAB (, MATLAB Central File Exchange. に取得済み.

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作成: R2007a
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