How do you shift the data such that the centerline of the jet is at 0?
2 ビュー (過去 30 日間)
I was running a PIV system and didnt realize the camera moved. As I have been working on post processing, I need to shift the plot so it is symmetric about 1040 pixels, 0, and 21 mm. The axis must remian the same and the plot must extend from -1 to 1 still. I pretty much want the axis lined up properly with keeping the same plot.
Any suggections? I have posted my code and a sample of 3 imgaes that need to be shift and 3 images where the camera is where it should be.
function [x,y,u_avg,v_avg,CHC_tot] = piv_averages(prefix,suffix,Nstart,Nfinish,interp)
% This program reads in a series of instantaneous PIV vector fields from
% Insight and averages them. The user has the option of excluding
% interpolated vectors, which have CHC > 1. (interp = 0 means do not
% interpolate, while interp = 1 means interpolate).
% Create file name for each image
c_exit=2.776; %speed of sound
x0=1040; %origin of the jet in pixels
y0=53.8; %origin of the jetin pixels
D=923.71; %diameter of jet exit in pixels
for i = Nstart:Nfinish
Nstring = int2str(i); % Convert iteration number to a character string
if i < 10
filename_inst = strcat(prefix,'0000',Nstring,suffix);
elseif i < 100
filename_inst = strcat(prefix,'000',Nstring,suffix);
elseif i < 1000
filename_inst = strcat(prefix,'00',Nstring,suffix);
elseif i < 10000
filename_inst = strcat(prefix,'0',Nstring,suffix);
filename_inst = strcat(prefix,Nstring,suffix);
% Read file name
A_inst = csvread(filename_inst,1,0);
x = A_inst(:,1); % x-position (mm)
y = A_inst(:,2); % y-position (mm)
u = A_inst(:,3); % x-velocity (m/s)
v = A_inst(:,4); % y-velocity (m/s)
chc = A_inst(:,5); % number of good vectors at this location
N = size(x,1); % Length of entire vector array
% Initialize output variables if this is the first file
if i == Nstart
u_tot = zeros(N,1);
v_tot = zeros(N,1);
CHC_tot = zeros(N,1);
for j = 1:N
if interp == 0
if chc(j,1) == 1
u_tot(j,1) = u_tot(j,1) + u(j,1);
v_tot(j,1) = v_tot(j,1) + v(j,1);
CHC_tot(j,1) = CHC_tot(j,1) + 1;
elseif interp == 1
if chc(j,1) > 0
u_tot(j,1) = u_tot(j,1) + u(j,1);
v_tot(j,1) = v_tot(j,1) + v(j,1);
CHC_tot(j,1) = CHC_tot(j,1) + 1;
for j = 1:N
u_avg(j,1) = u_tot(j,1)/CHC_tot(j,1);
v_avg(j,1) = v_tot(j,1)/CHC_tot(j,1);
% Set origin to jet exit centerline
x_c = x - (x0);
y_c = y - y0;
% Shift by convective velocity
v = v - v_shift;
% Nondimensionalize variables
x_non = x_c/D; % Nondimensionalize using jet diameter
y_non = y_c/D; % Nondimensionalize using jet diameter
u_non = u_avg/c_exit; % Nondimensionalize using sonic speed
v_non = v_avg/c_exit; % Nondimensionalize using sonic speed
%%%%%%%FOR H/D=2%%%%%%%%%
% 1) Choose a threshold
yThreshold = 400; %accept all vectors that start at or above y = yThreshold;
% 2) identify all quiver arrows that meet the criteria
acceptIdx = y >= yThreshold;
% 3) plot the quiver arrows, but only the ones accepted
% figure(4)
% quiver(x(acceptIdx), y(acceptIdx), u_avg(acceptIdx), v_avg(acceptIdx), 5)
% % add reference line at threshold if you'd like
% line(x,yThreshold);
% Plot nondimensional vector field
axis([-1 1 0 2])
xticks([-1 0 1])
yticks([0 1 2])
title('Nondimensional velocity field')
% camroll(90)
% Plot averaged vector field
axis([0 2000 0 2000]);
xlabel('z (pixels)')
ylabel('x (pixels)')
title('Dimensional velocity field')
% camroll(90)
% Plot averaged vector field
axis([0 42 0 42])
yticks([0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40])
ax = gca;
ax.YTickLabel = flipud(ax.YTickLabel);
xlabel('z (mm)')
ylabel('x (mm)')
title('Dimensional velocity field')
% camroll(90)
% Output averaged data
output_avg = [x y u_avg v_avg CHC_tot];
Thank you in advance!
6 件のコメント
Adam Danz
2020 年 1 月 21 日
編集済み: Adam Danz
2020 年 1 月 22 日
The goal isn't quite clear to me. If you'd just like to scale the quiver plots so that the longest axis fits within -1 to 1, follow this demo.
This first part creates a demo set of inputs that you presumably already have.
% Create quiver plot inputs
[x,y] = meshgrid(0:0.2:2,0:0.2:3);
u = cos(x).*y;
v = sin(x).*y;
% Plot the original data. X values span
% from 0 to 2, y values span from 0 to 3.
axis equal
This part is what would be applied to your data.
% Determine the range of your data
xRange = range(x(:));
yRange = range(y(:));
scale = max(xRange, yRange);
% Scale data so it's longest axis is within [-1,1]
xS = (x - min(x(:)))/scale*2 - xRange/scale;
yS = (y - min(y(:)))/scale*2 - yRange/scale;
% plot the scaled quiver values
axis equal
Or are you trying to find the center point between the two focii?
18 件のコメント
Adam Danz
2020 年 1 月 27 日
Here's the steps you can take to get you started. See inline comments for details.
% Load the first image of the group of 100 images.
% Extract the quiver values
x = output_avg(:,1);
y = output_avg(:,2);
u = output_avg(:,3);
v = output_avg(:,4);
% Produce the quiver plot
hold on
qh = quiver(x,y,u,v,4,'k');
axis equal
% --Or-- perhaps you'd rather work with the contour plot
% Choose the plot above or this plot below.
% Compute vector length of each quiver
vecLen = sqrt(u.^2 + v.^2);
sortedGrid = sortrows([x,y,vecLen]);
xUnq = unique(x(:));
yUnq = unique(y(:));
vecLenMat = reshape(sortedGrid(:,3),numel(xUnq),numel(yUnq));
cb = colorbar();
ylabel(cb,'vector magnitude')
axis equal
hold on
% ==============================================
% Here is where you'll manually select the centers
% of each focii with a mouse click.
msgbox('Select the left and then the right focus.') % optional msg to user
LR = ginput(2); % [x,y] coordinates
% You may want to select the closest (x,y) coordinates
% within your grid to the selected points. I'm not sure
% if it's expected or not that the focii are centered
% on a grid point. Let me know if you need help with that.
% ===================================================
% Plot the two selected coordinates
centers = plot(LR(:,1),LR(:,2),'rx');
% Confirm satisfaction with user.
% If they are unsatisfied the code will quit. You can
% change that to make it more useful.
yn = questdlg('Satisfied?',mfilename,'yes','no','yes');
if strcmpi(yn,'no')
% Compute the required shift needed to center the center point
% between the two focii (positive means rightward shift is needed)
target = 1040; % where center point should be.
shift = (LR(1,1) + (LR(2,1)-LR(1,1))/2) - target;
% "shift" is the lateral shift needed for all 100 images in this
% groups. Now you can merely loop through those 100 images
% and apply a form of the code below to each image.
% Shift it
x = x + shift;
% Plot the results if you want
qh = quiver(x,y,u,v,4,'k');
axis equal
axis tight
xline(target,'r-') %Show the center point.
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