Segment Image based on Color pixels.

4 ビュー (過去 30 日間)
Stelios Fanourakis
Stelios Fanourakis 2019 年 1 月 7 日
I enclose an ultrasound image of mine. I want to segment the red contour. So I need a code to trace and segment the red pixels in exact, and make a new contour out of it.
Any idea please?
  1 件のコメント
Stelios Fanourakis
Stelios Fanourakis 2019 年 1 月 7 日
Image Analyst in case you are able to see this comment. I tried your SimpleColorDetectio​n demo. I finally get the red contour of my image. But it gives the red contour into a black background. I want to plot the pixel values inside this contour area. Any idea of how to do that?
Hopefully, you'll be able to see my comment.



Image Analyst
Image Analyst 2019 年 1 月 8 日
Try this:
clc; % Clear the command window.
close all; % Close all figures (except those of imtool.)
workspace; % Make sure the workspace panel is showing.
format long g;
format compact;
fontSize = 16;
% Get the name of the image the user wants to use.
baseFileName = 'A1.jpg';
folder = pwd;
fullFileName = fullfile(folder, baseFileName);
% Check if file exists.
if ~exist(fullFileName, 'file')
% The file doesn't exist -- didn't find it there in that folder.
% Check the entire search path (other folders) for the file by stripping off the folder.
fullFileNameOnSearchPath = baseFileName; % No path this time.
if ~exist(fullFileNameOnSearchPath, 'file')
% Still didn't find it. Alert user.
errorMessage = sprintf('Error: %s does not exist in the search path folders.', fullFileName);
% Read in demo image.
rgbImage = imread(fullFileName);
% Get the dimensions of the image.
[rows, columns, numberOfColorChannels] = size(rgbImage)
% Display image.
subplot(2, 2, 1);
imshow(rgbImage, []);
axis on;
caption = sprintf('Original Color Image\n%s', baseFileName);
title(caption, 'FontSize', fontSize, 'Interpreter', 'None');
hp = impixelinfo(); % Set up status line to see values when you mouse over the image.
% Set up figure properties:
% Enlarge figure to full screen.
set(gcf, 'Units', 'Normalized', 'OuterPosition', [0 0.05 1 0.95]);
% Get rid of tool bar and pulldown menus that are along top of figure.
% set(gcf, 'Toolbar', 'none', 'Menu', 'none');
% Give a name to the title bar.
set(gcf, 'Name', 'Demo by ImageAnalyst', 'NumberTitle', 'Off')
% Extract the individual red, green, and blue color channels.
redChannel = rgbImage(:, :, 1);
greenChannel = rgbImage(:, :, 2);
blueChannel = rgbImage(:, :, 3);
% get a mask for the red line.
mask = redChannel > greenChannel;
% Display the image.
subplot(2, 2, 2);
caption = sprintf('Color Segmentation Mask Image');
title(caption, 'FontSize', fontSize, 'Interpreter', 'None');
axis('on', 'image');
% fill holes.
mask = imfill(mask, 'holes');
% Take the largest blob only.
mask = bwareafilt(mask, 1);
% Shrink two layers of pixels to come inside the red lines.
mask = imerode(mask, true(5));
% Display the image.
subplot(2, 2, 3);
title('Final Mask', 'FontSize', fontSize, 'Interpreter', 'None');
axis('on', 'image');
% Get a masked image.
% Mask the image using bsxfun() function to multiply the mask by each channel individually.
maskedRgbImage = bsxfun(@times, rgbImage, cast(mask, 'like', rgbImage));
% Display the image.
subplot(2, 2, 4);
title('Masked RGB Image', 'FontSize', fontSize, 'Interpreter', 'None');
axis('on', 'image');
% Tell user the answer.
message = sprintf('Done!');
0000 Screenshot.png
  1 件のコメント
Stelios Fanourakis
Stelios Fanourakis 2019 年 1 月 8 日
God has a name. His name is Image Analyst.


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