I have the code which extracts the matrices for the first two iterations. I need to solve the PDEs after this.
%% Step 1: Load Data
opts = detectImportOptions('rates_data.xlsx');
rates_data = readtable('rates_data.xlsx', opts);
% Filter for Congo
le_data = rates_data(strcmp(rates_data.country, 'Congo'), :);
%% Define constants
n = 101; % Number of age groups
vector1 = ones(n, 1);
alpha = zeros(1, n);
alpha(1) = 1; % Initial population
%% Initial condition for first iteration
F0 = zeros(n, 1);
F0(1) = 1;
tspan = [0 1];
%% Extract Data for Year 1950 (y=1 iteration)
le_data_1950 = le_data(le_data.year == 1950, :);
% Construct Matrices
D1_1950 = diag(le_data_1950.gamma);
lambda_1950 = le_data_1950.lambda;
gamma_1950 = le_data_1950.gamma;
mu_1950 = le_data_1950.mu;
d_1950 = mu_1950;
% Initialize D0_1950 matrix
D0_1950 = zeros(n, n);
for j = 1:n
D0_1950(j, j) = -(lambda_1950(j) + gamma_1950(j) + mu_1950(j));
if j < n
D0_1950(j, j+1) = lambda_1950(j);
% Compute B_1950
B_1950 = kron(alpha, D1_1950);
%% Extract Data for Year 1951 (y=2 iteration)
le_data_1951 = le_data(le_data.year == 1951, :);
% Construct Matrices for 1951
D1_1951 = diag(le_data_1951.gamma);
lambda_1951 = le_data_1951.lambda;
gamma_1951 = le_data_1951.gamma;
mu_1951 = le_data_1951.mu;
d_1951 = mu_1951;
% Initialize D0_1951
D0_1951 = zeros(n, n);
for j = 1:n
D0_1951(j, j) = -(lambda_1951(j) + gamma_1951(j) + mu_1951(j));
if j < n
D0_1951(j, j+1) = lambda_1951(j);
% Compute B2_1951
B_1951 = kron(alpha, D1_1951);