Quickly find points in a vector bounded by another vector pair of different size
1 回表示 (過去 30 日間)
My time vector "c" is a series of asynchronous events. Vectors "a" and "b" bound regions of time where a different event happens. I want to know which elements of "c" occur duing an event bounded by "a" and "b". The real calculation takes hours, so I am looking for any tricks people have to speed it up. I feel like this should be simple, but I am struggling with phrasing my Google searches correctly to find help.
Sample code is below, along with 4 "too slow" solutions that I attempted. I'm not looking for clever tricks that work with this exact data set (like MOD), but rather a general solution. Any speedups to the calculation that you can provide would be very much appreciated. Thanks!
EDIT: Removed transpose on input vectors and added noise to better verify solution validity.
%% Define Sample Data
% Need to find which "c" elements fall within some set of bounds defined by "a" and "b". Goal is
% to produce this answer as fast as possible (without running out of memory).
n = 75000; % NOTE: Actual size is >250,000. Reduced for speed & memory limits.
a = ( 0.3 : 1.0 : n); % NOTE: "a" and "b" are the same size and act as bounds. Do NOT take
b = ( 0.7 : 1.0 : n); % advantage of the uniform spacing; it is artificial for testing.
c = (-9.5 : 0.5 : n+10); % NOTE: "c" partially overlaps above, but is not the same size
% Added Noise for testing
a = a + rand(size(a));
b = b + rand(size(b));
c = c + rand(size(c));
%% Loop
d0 = NaN(size(c));
for n=1:numel(c)
d0(n) = any( c(n)>a & c(n)<b );
fprintf('For Loop: %g\n',toc()); % 8.06249
%% Array Fun
d1 = arrayfun((@(x) any(x>a & x<b)), c );
fprintf('Arrayfun: %g\n',toc()); % 8.54237
assert(isequal(d0,d1),'Delta Found');
%% Array Math
% NOTE: Not an option; using real data sizes will lead to out-of-memory
d2 = any( c>a.' & c<b.' );
fprintf('Array Math: %g\n',toc()); % 12.8263
assert(isequal(d0,d2),'Delta Found');
%% Combo: Loop with Array
n2 = 10;
d3 = NaN(size(c));
for n=1:n2:numel(c)
nTop = min(numel(d3),n+n2-1);
d3(n:nTop) = any( c(n:nTop)>a.' & c(n:nTop)<b.' );
fprintf('Loop with Array: %g\n',toc()); % 10.5251
assert(isequal(d0,d3),'Delta Found');
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