Index in position 2 exceeds array bounds. Index must not exceed 27.

1 回表示 (過去 30 日間)
john stapke
john stapke 2022 年 1 月 19 日
コメント済み: Walter Roberson 2022 年 1 月 19 日
Problem: I recieve this error message:
Entire Error Message:
Index in position 2 exceeds array bounds. Index must not exceed 27.
Error in find_precip_JS (line 46)
p_now = hourly(ind, time_ind); % rainfall now
Error in find_dbTP_Valley_Rim_JS (line 56)
YYV_RF_Precip = find_precip_JS(date, unit_type, YYV_PRECIP_JS);
I can't figure out why I am recieving an error message "Index in position 2 exceeds array bounds. Index must not exceed 27." when none of my INPUT matrices exceed 27 in position 2...
%RFDB = 1485 x 5 double grid
unit_type = 'english'
%GIN_TEMPS_JS_STUCT = 1 x 1 structural array with GIN_TEMPS_JS_STUCT.hourly double array [13047 x 27]
%YYV_TEMPS_JS_STRUCT = 1 x 1 structural array with GIN_TEMPS_JS_STUCT.hourly double array [80363 x 27]
%YYV_PRECIP_JS = 8046 x 27 double array
elev_rim = 2377; % 7800';
elev_valley = 1280; % 4200';
S = size(RFDB);
L = S(1);
for i = 1:L
cur = RFDB(i, :);
year = cur(2);
month = cur(3);
day = cur(4);
time = cur(5);
if day == 0
% change the # of -100 depending on find_temp output length
RF_RIM_TEMPS = [-100, -100, -100, -100, 0];
RF_YYV_TEMPS = [-100, -100, -100, -100, 0];
RF_YYV_PRECIPS = [-100, -100, -100, -100];
elseif time < 0
time = 23/24;
date = datenum(year, month, day) + time;
RF_RIM_TEMPS = find_temp_JS(date, unit_type, elev_rim, GIN_TEMPS_JS_STUCT);
RF_YYV_TEMPS = find_temp_JS(date, unit_type, elev_valley, YYV_TEMPS_JS_STRUCT);
YYV_RF_Precip = find_precip_JS(date, unit_type, YYV_PRECIP_JS);
JS_TP(i, :) = [cur, RF_RIM_TEMPS, RF_YYV_TEMPS, YYV_RF_Precip];
% Final OUTPUT^^
Note: Two codes shown below find_precip and find_temp are used within the final code "find_dbTP_Valley_Rim"
Find_Precip Code Used in FINAL Code Above
function[out_data] = find_precip(date, unit_type, YYV_PRECIP_JS)
%% The objective is to find the precipitation of at the time of the rockfall
% out_data = find_precip(date, unit_type, precip_data)
% Inputs:
% precip data = [year, month, day, P_12am, P_1am, ..., P_11pm]
% unit_type = 'metric' for precip in centimeters
% out_data = [yearly cumulative, last 30 days, last 72 hours, last 24 hours]
% Requirements: Precip DATA FILE ASSUMED TO BE WELL-BEHAVED! No erroneous
% points
% ** Also, past 24 and past 72 hours may give bad data if the rock fall
% occurs on July 1, 2, or 3 AND it was raining (Data is set to zero).
%% Collect the data for the appropriate day
day = floor(date);
time = round((date-day)*24);
time_ind = 4 + time;
hourly = YYV_PRECIP_JS;
pyear = hourly(:, 1);
pmonth = hourly(:, 2);
pday = hourly(:, 3);
p_days = datenum(pyear, pmonth, pday);
ind = find(p_days == day);
if isempty(ind)
out_data = [-100, -100, -100, -100];
p_now = hourly(ind, time_ind); % rainfall now
p_yest = hourly(ind-1, time_ind); % rain at this time yesterday
p_24 = p_now - p_yest; % 24 hour rainfall
p_minus3 = hourly(ind-3, time_ind); % rain at this time 72 hrs ago
p_72 = p_now - p_minus3; % 72 hour rainfall
% sets data to zero if negative (will occur with good data on July 1
% (2, 3)), but this is wrong IF it was raining
if p_24 < 0
p_24 = 0;
if p_72 < 0
p_72 = 0;
dv = datevec(date);
if dv(2) == 7 %dv(2) is the month of the rf
% Code assumes a very well-behaved data file
dom = dv(3); % day of month
July1_ind = ind-dom+1;
pm1 = hourly(July1_ind, 4); %rainfall, july start -> should be ZERO!
pm2 = hourly(July1_ind-1, 4); %rainfall, june30
pm3 = hourly(ind-30, 4);
p30a = p_now - pm1;
p30b = pm2 - pm3;
p_30 = p30a + p30b;
p_month = hourly(ind - 30, 4);
p_30 = p_now - p_month;
out_data = [p_now, p_30, p_72, p_24];
% convert to centimeters?
if strcmpi(unit_type,'metric')
out_data = out_data * 2.54;
Find_Temp Code Used in Final Code Above
function[out_data] = find_temp(date, unit_type, elev, YYV_TEMPS_JS_STRUCT)
% out_data = find_temp(date, unit_type, elev, temperature from YYV_TEMPS_JS_STRUCT)
% Inputs:
% - date = matlab datenum
% - elevation = elevation, in meters, for which you desire temperature
% corrections
% - unit_type = 'metric' for celcius units 'english' for fahrenheit
% - YYV_TEMPS_JS_STRUCT or GIN_TEMPS_JS_STUCT= structure of temperature data, including:
% name = 'Weather Station Name'
% hourly = [year, month, day, T_12am, T_1am, ..., T_11pm]
% daily = [datenum, max, min, avg]
% elevation (in meters)
% days = list of datenums of all days in db
% out_data = [min, avg, max, temp at rock fall, # stations contributing data]
%% Constants
t_grad = 0.0;
%% Collect the data for the appropriate day
day = floor(date);
time = round((date-day)*24);
time_ind = 4 + time;
hour = [time+1:1:23, 0:1:time];
L = length(YYV_TEMPS_JS_STRUCT or GIN_TEMPS_JS_STRUCT); %input one of these
cur = [];
k = 1;
for i = 1:L
t_all = [];
hourly = YYV_TEMPS_JS_STRUCT(i).hourly or GIN_TEMPS_JS_STRUCT; %input one of these
t_days = datenum(hourly(:, 1), hourly(:, 2), hourly(:, 3));
ind = find(t_days == floor(date));
% Create array of temps in the 24 hours prior to the rf (previous
% hi/lo)
if time_ind < 27
t_today = hourly(ind, 4:time_ind);
t_yesterday = hourly(ind-1, time_ind+1:27);
t_all = [t_yesterday t_today];
%t_h = [time-23:1:time];
%t_h = [0:1:23];
t_all = hourly(ind, 4:27);
ind2 = t_all > -30;
t_all = t_all(ind2);
ind2 = t_all < 120;
t_all = t_all(ind2);
if isempty(t_all)
% Do Nothing
cur(k).t_max = max(t_all);
cur(k).t_min = min(t_all);
cur(k).t_avg = mean(t_all);
cur(k).elevation = YYV_TEMPS_JS_STRUCT(i).elevation;
%% Find the temperature nearest to the time of the rock fall
if time == 23 % this is a fake time, not appropriate for the rock fall
time = 21; % 7pm is a neutral time
time_ind = 4 + time;
% Create an array of the X hours surrounding the rock fall
plusminus = 6; % plusminus hours before and plusminus hours after
if time_ind > 27 - plusminus % late in the day
t_today = hourly(ind, time_ind-plusminus:27);
offset = plusminus - (27 - time_ind) - 1;
t_tomorw = hourly(ind+1, 4:4+offset);
t_near = [t_today t_tomorw];
elseif time_ind < 4 + plusminus % early in the day
t_today = hourly(ind, 4:time_ind+plusminus);
offset = plusminus - (time_ind - 4) - 1;
t_yesrdy = hourly(ind-1, 27-offset:27);
t_near = [t_yesrdy t_today];
t_near = hourly(ind, time_ind-plusminus:time_ind+plusminus);
t_h = [plusminus*-1:1:plusminus];
ind3 = t_near > -30;
t_near = t_near(ind3);
t_h = t_h(ind3);
ind3 = t_near < 120;
t_near = t_near(ind3);
t_h = t_h(ind3);
n_ind = find(t_h == 0);
% No data for time of rock fall
if isempty(t_near)
cur(k).t_rf = -100; % no data within plusminus hours of the rock fall
% Exact data not available, but before and after data are available
elseif isempty(n_ind)
b_ind = find(t_h < 0, 1, 'last');
a_ind = find(t_h > 0, 1, 'first');
% No before data: check to see if after data is close
close = 4; % Close is defined as less than "close" hours
if isempty(b_ind)
if t_h(a_ind) < close;
cur(k).t_rf = t_near(a_ind);
cur(k).t_rf = -100;
% No after data: check to see if before data is close
elseif isempty(a_ind)
if t_h(b_ind) > -1 * close
cur(k).t_rf = t_near(b_ind);
cur(k).t_rf = -100;
% Both before and after data: linear extrapolation
span = t_h(a_ind) - t_h(b_ind); % hours between before and after
temp_span = t_near(a_ind) - t_near(b_ind);
hr_incre = temp_span/span;
t_rf_tmp = t_near(b_ind) + (hr_incre * (t_h(b_ind)*-1));
cur(k).t_rf = t_rf_tmp;
cur(k).t_rf = t_near(n_ind); % exact data available, use it!
k = k + 1;
%% Evaluate the temperature at the appropriate elevation
if isempty(cur)
out_data = [-100, -100, -100, -100 0];
num_stat = length(cur);
%% It is possible to have min/max/avg data BUT NO temp at time of rock fall data
m = 1;
t_rf = -100;
for j = 1:num_stat
t_elev = cur(j).elevation;
t_diff = ((t_elev - elev)/100) * t_grad;
t_max(j) = (cur(j).t_max + t_diff);
t_min(j) = (cur(j).t_min + t_diff);
t_avg(j) = (cur(j).t_avg + t_diff);
t_rf_tmp = cur(j).t_rf;
if t_rf_tmp == -100
% Do nothing
t_rf(m) = (t_rf_tmp + t_diff);
m = m + 1;
  2 件のコメント
Image Analyst
Image Analyst 2022 年 1 月 19 日
Highlight your code and click the Code icon so people can easily copy it into the clipboard.
Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson 2022 年 1 月 19 日
You do not give us the code for find_precip_JS -- only for find_precip


回答 (1 件)

KSSV 2022 年 1 月 19 日
Error is clear and simple. You are trying to extract more number of elements than present in the array.
A = rand(1,27) ;
A(1) % no error
ans = 0.2747
A(10) % no error
ans = 0.3553
A(27) % no error
ans = 0.5465
A(28) % error as there is no 27th element in A
Index exceeds the number of array elements. Index must not exceed 27.
Check the dimensions of the variable. Learn debugging.


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