Hamming distance between columns of two matrices
3 ビュー (過去 30 日間)
%Just an example
HamDist = pdist2(B,C,'hamming');
[~,ind] = min(HamDist,[],2);
Is there any trick to perform hamming distance between columns of two different binary matrices: A(64 by100) and B(64 by 80), and report the minimum distances?
To understand more : the "A" is a data matrix with 100 sample, and the B has 80 cluster centroids and in terms of clustering i would like to create the indicator matrix based on the minimum distance between A and B.
2 件のコメント
Awais Saeed
2021 年 11 月 10 日
How aboout padd some zeros in B to make size(A)=size(B) and then find the hamming distance
回答 (1 件)
2021 年 11 月 10 日
HamDist = pdist2(A',B','hamming');
HamDist = HamDist' ;
[~,ind] = min(HamDist,[],2);
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