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ハードウェア接続用のモデルの準備、およびハードウェア プロトコルをサポートするためのブロックの追加


TCP/IP ReceiveReceive data over TCP/IP network from remote host
TCP/IP SendSend data over TCP/IP network to remote host
UDP ReceiveReceive UDP message from UDP host
UDP SendSend UDP message to UDP host
PARROT Image ConversionConvert the encoded Y1UY2V image format to YUV or RGB format
Keyboard ReadReceive key presses from keyboard of host computer and output ASCII code
GrabberControl the Grabber module connected to a Parrot Mambo minidrone
CannonControl the Cannon module connected to a Parrot Mambo minidrone


Simulink Support Package for Parrot Minidrones 入門

Spin the Motors of a Parrot Minidrone Without Flying the Drone

This example shows you how to use Simulink® Support Package for Parrot® Minidrones to run a Simulink model that spins the propellers connected to motors of a Parrot minidrone, without flying the drone.

Controlling Motor Speed of a Parrot Minidrone During Runtime Using External Mode

This example shows you how to use the External mode feature in Simulink® for speed control of motors on a Parrot® minidrone during runtime.

Communicating with a Parrot Minidrone Using TCP/IP and UDP

This example shows how to use the TCP/IP and UDP communication blocks in the Simulink® Support Package for Parrot® Minidrones. The blocks are used to control the motor speed of the drone and visualize the accelerometer sensor data from the drone.

Getting Started with Image Processing Algorithms for Parrot Minidrones

This example shows you how to create a Simulink® model that uses the images from a Parrot® minidrone's downward-facing camera to develop a simple image-processing algorithm to be deployed on Parrot minidrone.

Getting Started with Keyboard Control of Parrot Minidrones

This example shows you how to create a Simulink® model that uses the keyboard of the host computer to control the motors of a Parrot® minidrone.

Getting Started with Cannon Block for Parrot Minidrone

This example shows how to use the Cannon block in Simulink® Support Package for Parrot® Minidrones to control a Cannon module attached to a Parrot Mambo minidrone.

Getting Started with Grabber Block for Parrot Minidrone

This example shows how to use the Grabber block in Simulink® Support Package for Parrot® Minidrones to control a Grabber module attached to a Parrot Mambo minidrone.

Parrot ミニドローンのホバリング

Fly a Parrot Minidrone Using Hover Parrot Minidrone Simulink Template

Use the Hover Simulink® model to fly Parrot minidrone.


Fly a Parrot Minidrone and Detect Objects

This example shows how to create a Simulink® model that starts the flight of a Parrot® minidrone and detects a blue-colored object on the ground using the drone's downward-facing camera.

Competition Track Builder

Use Track Builder app to create or modify tracks.

Waypoint Follower、Orbit Follower、およびキーボード制御を使用したパス プランニング

Follow Set of Waypoints Using Parrot Minidrone

This example shows how to fly a Parrot® minidrone using Simulink® Support Package for Parrot Minidrones by configuring the path planning algorithm to follow a set of waypoints.

Follow Orbit Using Parrot Minidrone

This example shows how to fly a Parrot® minidrone using Simulink® Support Package for Parrot Minidrones by configuring the path planning algorithm to follow an orbit path.

Path Planning Using Keyboard Control for Parrot Minidrone

This example shows how to use the keyboard of the host computer to control the position of Parrot® minidrone using Simulink Support Package for Parrot Minidrones.
