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cdma2000 の波形生成

この例では、Communications Toolbox™ を使用して、規格に準拠した、フォワード (ダウンリンク) およびリバース (アップリンク) の cdma2000® 波形を生成する方法を説明します。


Communications Toolbox を使用して、事前に設定またはカスタマイズを行い、規格に準拠したフォワードおよびリバースの cdma2000 波形を生成できます。具体的には、以下のチャネルがサポートされています。

フォワード cdma2000:

  • フォワード パイロット チャネル (F-PICH)

  • フォワード補助パイロット チャネル (F-APICH)

  • フォワード送信ダイバーシティ パイロット チャネル (F-TDPICH)

  • フォワード補助送信ダイバーシティ パイロット チャネル (F-ATDPICH)

  • フォワード同期チャネル (F-SYNC)

  • フォワード ページング チャネル (F-PCH)

  • フォワード クイック ページング チャネル (F-QPCH)

  • フォワード ブロードキャスト制御チャネル (F-BCCH)

  • フォワード共通制御チャネル (F-CCCH)

  • フォワード専用制御チャネル (F-DCCH)

  • フォワード共通電力制御チャネル (F-CPCCH)

  • 電力制御サブチャネルを含むフォワード基本トラフィック チャネル (F-FCH)

  • フォワード補足コード チャネル (F-SCCH)

  • フォワード補足チャネル (F-SCH)

  • フォワード パケット データ共通制御チャネル (F-PDCCH)

  • フォワード直交チャネル ノイズ (F-OCNS)

リバース cdma2000:

  • 電力制御サブチャネルを含むリバース パイロット チャネル (R-PICH)

  • リバース アクセス チャネル (R-ACH)

  • リバース エンハンスド アクセス チャネル (R-EACH)

  • リバース共通制御チャネル (R-CCCH)

  • リバース専用制御チャネル (R-DCCH)

  • リバース基本トラフィック チャネル (R-FCH)

  • リバース補足コード チャネル (R-SCCH)

  • リバース補足チャネル (R-SCH)


  • 送信機実装のゴールデン リファレンス

  • 受信機のテストおよびアルゴリズム開発

  • RF ハードウェアおよびソフトウェアのテスト

  • 干渉テスト


  • 波形は、関数cdma2000ForwardWaveformGeneratorおよび関数cdma2000ReverseWaveformGeneratorを使用して生成できます。これらの関数の入力は、最上位の波形パラメーターを含む構造体と、チャネル固有のパラメーターを含むサブ構造体です。この例では、これらの構造体がどのように構成されるかを最初から説明します。

  • 事前に設定された構造体の構成は、関数cdma2000ForwardReferenceChannelsおよび関数cdma2000ReverseReferenceChannelsを使用して作成できます。このように事前に設定された構成は、一般的なテストや測定のシナリオを表したり、波形構成のカスタマイズに便利な開始点 (ウィザード) を提供することができます。

事前設定駆動型のフォワードおよびリバース cdma2000 波形の生成

事前に設定された構造体構成は、波形生成関数に渡すことができます。たとえば、次のコマンドによって、無線構成 4 で使用可能なフォワードおよびリバース チャネルがすべて生成されます。

forwardPresetConfig     = cdma2000ForwardReferenceChannels('ALL-RC4');
forwardPresetWaveform   = cdma2000ForwardWaveformGenerator(forwardPresetConfig);

reversePresetConfig     = cdma2000ReverseReferenceChannels('ALL-RC4');
reversePresetWaveform   = cdma2000ReverseWaveformGenerator(reversePresetConfig);

完全なパラメーター リストを使用したフォワード cdma2000 波形の生成

次に、等価な構成の構造体の作成について最初から説明します (フォワード cdma2000)。これは、事前に設定された構成をカスタマイズする場合にも便利です。

fManualConfig.SpreadingRate          = 'SR1';           % Spreading Rate 1 or 3
fManualConfig.Diversity              = 'NTD';           % No Transmit Diversity (other options are 'OTD', 'STS')
fManualConfig.QOF                    = 'QOF1';          % Quasi-orthogonal function 1, 2 or 3
fManualConfig.PNOffset               = 0;               % PN offset of Base station
fManualConfig.LongCodeState          = 0;               % Initial long code state
fManualConfig.PowerNormalization     = 'Off';           % Power normalization: 'Off', 'NormalizeTo0dB' or 'NoiseFillTo0dB'
fManualConfig.OversamplingRatio      = 4;               % Upsampling factor
fManualConfig.FilterType             = 'cdma2000Long';  % Filter coefficients: 'cdma2000Long', 'cdma2000Short', 'Custom' or 'Off'
fManualConfig.InvertQ                = 'Off';           % Negate the imaginary part of the waveform
fManualConfig.EnableModulation       = 'Off';           % Enable carrier modulation
fManualConfig.ModulationFrequency    = 0;               % Modulation frequency (Hz)
fManualConfig.NumChips               = 1000;            % Number of chips in the waveform

fpich.Enable                = 'On';                     % Enable the F-PICH channel
fpich.Power                 = 0;                        % Relative channel power (dBW)
fManualConfig.FPICH         = fpich;                    % Add the channel to the waveform configuration

fapich.Enable               = 'On';                     % Enable the F-APICH channel
fapich.Power                = 0;                        % Relative channel power (dBW)
fapich.WalshCode            = 10;                       % Unique Walsh code number
fapich.WalshLength          = 64;                       % Walsh code length
fManualConfig.FAPICH        = fapich;                   % Add the channel to the waveform configuration

ftdpich.Enable              = 'On';                     % Enable the F-TDPICH channel
ftdpich.Power               = 0;                        % Relative channel power (dBW)
fManualConfig.FTDPICH       = ftdpich;                  % Add the channel to the waveform configuration

fatdpich.Enable             = 'On';                     % Enable the F-ATDPICH channel
fatdpich.Power              = 0;                        % Relative channel power (dBW)
fatdpich.WalshCode          = 11;                       % Unique Walsh code number
fatdpich.WalshLength        = 64;                       % Walsh code length
fManualConfig.FATDPICH      = fatdpich;                 % Add the channel to the waveform configuration

fpch.Enable                 = 'On';                     % Enable the F-PCH channel
fpch.Power                  = 0;                        % Relative channel power (dBW)
fpch.LongCodeMask           = 0;                        % Long code mask
fpch.DataRate               = 4800;                     % Data rate (bps)
fpch.EnableCoding           = 'On';                     % Enable channel coding
fpch.DataSource             = {'PN9', 1};               % Input message: {'PNX', Seed} or numerical vector
fpch.WalshCode              = 1;                        % Unique Walsh code number
fManualConfig.FPCH          = fpch;                     % Add the channel to the waveform configuration

fsync.Enable                = 'On';                     % Enable the F-SYNC channel
fsync.Power                 = 0;                        % Relative channel power (dBW)
fsync.EnableCoding          = 'On';                     % Enable channel coding
fsync.DataSource            = {'PN9', 1};               % Input message: {'PNX', Seed}, numerical vector or 'SyncMessage'
fManualConfig.FSYNC         = fsync;                    % Add the channel to the waveform configuration

fbcch.Enable                = 'On';                     % Enable the F-BCCH channel
fbcch.Power                 = 0;                        % Relative channel power (dBW)
fbcch.LongCodeMask          = 0;                        % Long code mask
fbcch.DataRate              = 4800;                     % Data rate (bps)
fbcch.FrameLength           = 160;                      % Frame length (ms)
fbcch.EnableCoding          = 'On';                     % Enable channel coding
fbcch.DataSource            = {'PN9', 1};               % Input message: {'PNX', Seed} or numerical vector
fbcch.WalshCode             = 2;                        % Unique Walsh code number
fbcch.CodingType            = 'conv';                   % Coding type: 'conv' or 'turbo'
fManualConfig.FBCCH         = fbcch;                    % Add the channel to the waveform configuration

fcach.Enable                = 'On';                     % Enable the F-CACH channel
fcach.Power                 = 0;                        % Relative channel power (dBW)
fcach.LongCodeMask          = 0;                        % Long code mask
fcach.EnableCoding          = 'On';                     % Enable channel coding
fcach.DataSource            = {'PN9', 1};               % Input message: {'PNX', Seed} or numerical vector
fcach.WalshCode             = 3;                        % Unique Walsh code number
fcach.CodingType            = 'conv';                   % Coding type: 'conv' or 'turbo'
fManualConfig.FCACH         = fcach;                    % Add the channel to the waveform configuration

fccch.Enable                = 'On';                     % Enable the F-CCCH channel
fccch.Power                 = 0;                        % Relative channel power (dBW)
fccch.LongCodeMask          = 0;                        % Long code mask
fccch.DataRate              = 9600;                     % Data rate (bps)
fccch.FrameLength           = 20;                       % Frame length (ms)
fccch.EnableCoding          = 'On';                     % Enable channel coding
fccch.DataSource            = {'PN9', 1};               % Input message: {'PNX', Seed} or numerical vector
fccch.WalshCode             = 4;                        % Unique Walsh code number
fccch.CodingType            = 'conv';                   % Coding type: 'conv' or 'turbo'
fManualConfig.FCCCH         = fccch;                    % Add the channel to the waveform configuration

fcpcch.Enable               = 'On';                     % Enable the F-CPCCH channel
fcpcch.Power                = 0;                        % Relative channel power (dBW)
fcpcch.LongCodeMask         = 0;                        % Long code mask
fcpcch.EnableCoding         = 'On';                     % Enable channel coding
fcpcch.DataSource           = {'PN9', 1};               % Input message: {'PNX', Seed} or numerical vector
fcpcch.WalshCode            = 5;                        % Unique Walsh code number
fManualConfig.FCPCCH        = fcpcch;                   % Add the channel to the waveform configuration

fqpch.Enable                = 'On';                     % Enable the F-QPCH channel
fqpch.Power                 = 0;                        % Relative channel power (dBW)
fqpch.LongCodeMask          = 0;                        % Long code mask
fqpch.DataRate              = 2400;                     % Data rate (bps)
fqpch.EnableCoding          = 'On';                     % Enable channel coding
fqpch.DataSource            = {'PN9', 1};               % Input message: {'PNX', Seed} or numerical vector
fqpch.WalshCode             = 6;                        % Unique Walsh code number
fManualConfig.FQPCH         = fqpch;                    % Add the channel to the waveform configuration

ffch.Enable                 = 'On';                     % Enable the F-FCH channel
ffch.Power                  = 0;                        % Relative channel power (dBW)
ffch.RadioConfiguration     = 'RC4';                    % Radio Configuration: 1-9
ffch.DataRate               = 9600;                     % Data rate (bps)
ffch.FrameLength            = 20;                       % Frame length (ms)
ffch.LongCodeMask           = 0;                        % Long code mask
ffch.EnableCoding           = 'On';                     % Enable channel coding
ffch.DataSource             = {'PN9', 1};               % Input message: {'PNX', Seed} or numerical vector
ffch.WalshCode              = 7;                        % Unique Walsh code number
ffch.EnableQOF              = 'Off';                    % Enable QOF spreading
ffch.PowerControlEnable     = 'Off';                    % Enable the Power Control Subchannel
fManualConfig.FFCH          = ffch;                     % Add the channel to the waveform configuration

focns.Enable                = 'On';                     % Enable the F-OCNS channel
focns.Power                 = -30;                      % Relative channel power (dBW)
focns.WalshCode              = 12;                      % Unique Walsh code number
focns.WalshLength           = 128;                      % Walsh code length
fManualConfig.FOCNS         = focns;                    % Add the channel to the waveform configuration

fdcch.Enable                = 'On';                     % Enable the F-DCCH channel
fdcch.Power                 = 0;                        % Relative channel power (dBW)
fdcch.RadioConfiguration    = 'RC4';                    % Radio Configuration: 1-9
fdcch.LongCodeMask          = 0;                        % Long code mask
fdcch.DataRate              = 9600;                     % Data rate (bps)
fdcch.FrameLength           = 5;                        % Frame length (ms)
fdcch.EnableCoding          = 'On';                     % Enable channel coding
fdcch.DataSource            = {'PN9', 1};               % Input message: {'PNX', Seed} or numerical vector
fdcch.WalshCode             = 8;                        % Unique Walsh code number
fdcch.EnableQOF             = 'off';                    % Enable QOF spreading
fManualConfig.FDCCH         = fdcch;                    % Add the channel to the waveform configuration

fsch.Enable                 = 'On';                     % Enable the F-SCH channel
fsch.Power                  = 0;                        % Relative channel power (dBW)
fsch.RadioConfiguration     = 'RC4';                    % Radio Configuration: 1-9
fsch.DataRate               = 9600;                     % Data rate (bps)
fsch.FrameLength            = 20;                       % Frame length (ms)
fsch.LongCodeMask           = 0;                        % Long code mask
fsch.EnableCoding           = 'On';                     % Enable channel coding
fsch.DataSource             = {'PN9', 1};               % Input message: {'PNX', Seed} or numerical vector
fsch.WalshCode              = 9;                        % Unique Walsh code number
fsch.EnableQOF              = 'Off';                    % Enable QOF spreading
fsch.CodingType             = 'conv';                   % Coding type: 'conv' or 'turbo'
fManualConfig.FSCH          = fsch;                     % Add the channel to the waveform configuration

forwardManualWaveform   = cdma2000ForwardWaveformGenerator(fManualConfig);

% Demonstrate that the above two parameterization approaches are equivalent:
if(isequal(forwardPresetConfig, fManualConfig))
    disp([  'Configuration structures generated with and without the ' ...
            'cdma2000ForwardReferenceChannels function are the same.']);
Configuration structures generated with and without the cdma2000ForwardReferenceChannels function are the same.

完全なパラメーター リストを使用したリバース cdma2000 波形の生成

rManualConfig.RadioConfiguration    = 'RC4';            % Radio Configuration: 1-6
rManualConfig.PowerNormalization    = 'Off';            % Power normalization: 'Off', 'NormalizeTo0dB' or 'NoiseFillTo0dB'
rManualConfig.OversamplingRatio     = 4;                % Upsampling factor
rManualConfig.FilterType            = 'cdma2000Long';   % Filter coefficients: 'cdma2000Long', 'cdma2000Short', 'Custom' or 'Off'
rManualConfig.InvertQ               = 'Off';            % Negate the imaginary part of the waveform
rManualConfig.EnableModulation      = 'Off';            % Enable carrier modulation
rManualConfig.ModulationFrequency   = 0;                % Modulation frequency (Hz)
rManualConfig.NumChips              = 1000;             % Number of chips in the waveform

rfch.Enable                 = 'On';                     % Enable the R-FCH channel
rfch.Power                  = 0;                        % Relative channel power (dBW)
rfch.LongCodeMask           = 0;                        % Long code mask
rfch.EnableCoding           = 'On';                     % Enable channel coding
rfch.DataSource             = {'PN9', 1};               % Input message: {'PNX', Seed} or numerical vector
rfch.DataRate               = 14400;                    % Data rate (bps)
rfch.FrameLength            = 20;                       % Frame length (ms)
rfch.WalshCode              = 1;                        % Unique Walsh code number
rManualConfig.RFCH          = rfch;                     % Add the channel to the waveform configuration

rpich.Enable                = 'On';                     % Enable the R-PICH channel
rpich.Power                 = 0;                        % Relative channel power (dBW)
rpich.LongCodeMask          = 0;                        % Long code mask
rpich.PowerControlEnable    = 'Off';                    % Enable the Power Control Subchannel
rManualConfig.RPICH         = rpich;                    % Add the channel to the waveform configuration

reach.Enable                = 'On';                     % Enable the R-EACH channel
reach.Power                 = 0;                        % Relative channel power (dBW)
reach.LongCodeMask          = 0;                        % Long code mask
reach.EnableCoding          = 'On';                     % Enable channel coding
reach.DataSource            = {'PN9', 1};               % Input message: {'PNX', Seed} or numerical vector
reach.DataRate              = 9600;                     % Data rate (bps)
reach.FrameLength           = 20;                       % Frame length (ms)
reach.WalshCode             = 2;                        % Unique Walsh code number
rManualConfig.REACH         = reach;                    % Add the channel to the waveform configuration

rcch.Enable                 = 'On';                     % Enable the R-CCH channel
rcch.Power                  = 0;                        % Relative channel power (dBW)
rcch.LongCodeMask           = 0;                        % Long code mask
rcch.EnableCoding           = 'On';                     % Enable channel coding
rcch.DataSource             = {'PN9', 1};               % Input message: {'PNX', Seed} or numerical vector
rcch.DataRate               = 9600;                     % Data rate (bps)
rcch.FrameLength            = 20;                       % Frame length (ms)
rcch.WalshCode              = 3;                        % Unique Walsh code number
rManualConfig.RCCCH         = rcch;                     % Add the channel to the waveform configuration

rdcch.Enable                = 'On';                     % Enable the R-DCCH channel
rdcch.Power                 = 0;                        % Relative channel power (dBW)
rdcch.LongCodeMask          = 0;                        % Long code mask
rdcch.EnableCoding          = 'On';                     % Enable channel coding
rdcch.DataSource            = {'PN9', 1};               % Input message: {'PNX', Seed} or numerical vector
rdcch.DataRate              = 14400;                    % Data rate (bps)
rdcch.FrameLength           = 20;                       % Frame length (ms)
rdcch.WalshCode             = 4;                        % Unique Walsh code number
rManualConfig.RDCCH         = rdcch;                    % Add the channel to the waveform configuration

rsch1.Enable                = 'On';                     % Enable the R-SCH1 channel
rsch1.Power                 = 0;                        % Relative channel power (dBW)
rsch1.LongCodeMask          = 0;                        % Long code mask
rsch1.EnableCoding          = 'On';                     % Enable channel coding
rsch1.DataSource            = {'PN9', 1};               % Input message: {'PNX', Seed} or numerical vector
rsch1.DataRate              = 14400;                    % Data rate (bps)
rsch1.FrameLength           = 20;                       % Frame length (ms)
rsch1.WalshLength           = 8;                        % Walsh code length
rsch1.WalshCode             = 5;                        % Unique Walsh code number
rManualConfig.RSCH1         = rsch1;                    % Add the channel to the waveform configuration

rsch2                       = rsch1;                    % Apply the same settings with R-SCH1
rsch2.WalshCode             = 6;                        % Except for the unique Walsh code number
rManualConfig.RSCH2         = rsch2;                    % Add the channel to the waveform configuration

reverseManualWaveform   = cdma2000ReverseWaveformGenerator(rManualConfig);

% Demonstrate that the above two parameterization approaches are equivalent:
if(isequal(reversePresetConfig, rManualConfig))
    disp([  'Configuration structures generated with and without the ' ...
            'cdma2000ForwardReferenceChannels function are the same.']);
Configuration structures generated with and without the cdma2000ForwardReferenceChannels function are the same.



if(isequal(forwardPresetWaveform, forwardManualWaveform))
    disp([  'Forward waveforms generated with and without the ' ...
            'cdma2000ForwardReferenceChannels function are the same.']);
Forward waveforms generated with and without the cdma2000ForwardReferenceChannels function are the same.
if(isequal(reversePresetWaveform, reverseManualWaveform))
    disp([  'Reverse waveforms generated with and without the ' ...
            'cdma2000ReverseReferenceChannels function are the same.']);
Reverse waveforms generated with and without the cdma2000ReverseReferenceChannels function are the same.



% 1. Specifying the message of the Sync channel:
fManualConfig2              = fManualConfig;
fsync.Enable                = 'On';                     % Enable the F-SYNC channel
fsync.Power                 = 0;                        % Relative channel power (dBW)
fsync.EnableCoding          = 'On';                     % Enable channel coding
fsync.DataSource            = 'SyncMessage';            % Input message: {'PNX', Seed}, numerical vector or 'SyncMessage'
sm.P_REV                    = 6;                        % Protocol Revision field
sm.MIN_P_REV                = 6;                        % Minimum Protocol Revision field
sm.SID                      = hex2dec('14B');           % System Identifier field 
sm.NID                      = 1;                        % Network Identification field
sm.PILOT_PN                 = 0;                        % Pilot PN Offset field
sm.LC_STATE                 = hex2dec('20000000000');   % Long Code State field
sm.SYS_TIME                 = hex2dec('36AE0924C');     % System Time field
sm.LP_SEC                   = 0;                        % Leap Second field
sm.LTM_OFF                  = 0;                        % Local Time Offset field
sm.DAYLT                    = 0;                        % Daylight Savings Time Indicator field
sm.PRAT                     = 0;                        % Paging Channel Data Rate field
sm.CDMA_FREQ                = hex2dec('2F6');           % CDMA Frequency field
sm.EXT_CDMA_FREQ            = hex2dec('2F6');           % Extended CDMA Frequency field
fsync.SyncMessage           = sm;                       % Sync channel message substructure, used if 'SyncMessage' is the data source
fManualConfig2.FSYNC         = fsync;                    % Add the channel to the waveform configuration

% 2. Enabling the Power Control Subchannel of the Forward Fundamental Channel:
ffch.Enable                 = 'On';                     % Enable the F-FCH channel
ffch.Power                  = 0;                        % Relative channel power (dBW)
ffch.RadioConfiguration     = 'RC4';                    % Radio Configuration: 1-9
ffch.DataRate               = 9600;                     % Data rate (bps)
ffch.FrameLength            = 20;                       % Frame length (ms)
ffch.LongCodeMask           = 0;                        % Long code mask
ffch.EnableCoding           = 'On';                     % Enable channel coding
ffch.DataSource             = {'PN9', 1};               % Input message: {'PNX', Seed} or numerical vector
ffch.WalshCode              = 7;                        % Unique Walsh code number
ffch.EnableQOF              = 'Off';                    % Enable QOF spreading
ffch.PowerControlEnable     = 'On';                     % Enable the Power Control Subchannel
ffch.PowerControlPower      = 0;                        % Power control subchannel power (relative to F-FCH)
ffch.PowerControlDataSource = {'PN9',1};                % Power control subchannel data source
fManualConfig2.FFCH          = ffch;                     % Add the channel to the waveform configuration

forwardManualWaveform2   = cdma2000ForwardWaveformGenerator(fManualConfig2);

フォワード cdma2000 波形のスペクトルのプロット

時間領域の信号 forwardManualWaveform のスペクトルをプロットします。

chiprate                 = 1.2288e6;   % Chip rate of the baseband waveform (SR1)
fSpectrumPlot            = spectrumAnalyzer('SampleRate', chiprate*fManualConfig.OversamplingRatio);
fSpectrumPlot.Title      = 'Spectrum of Forward cdma2000 Waveform';
fSpectrumPlot.YLimits    = [-160,40];

リバース cdma2000 波形のスペクトルのプロット

時間領域の信号 reverseManualWaveform のスペクトルをプロットします。

chiprate                 = 1.2288e6;   % Chip rate of the baseband waveform (SR1)
rSpectrumPlot            = spectrumAnalyzer('SampleRate', chiprate*rManualConfig.OversamplingRatio);
rSpectrumPlot.Title      = 'Spectrum of Reverse cdma2000 Waveform';
rSpectrumPlot.YLimits    = [-160,40];


  1. C.S0002-F v2.0: Physical Layer Standard for cdma2000 Spread Spectrum Systems.