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Remove sliver outliers from boundary of shape

Since R2020b



s = removeSlivers(shapeobject,slivertol) removes sliver outliers from boundary of the shape and returns a polygon object.


collapse all

Create two rectangle shapes. Change the length and the center of orientation of the second rectangle to the values shown.

rect1 = antenna.Rectangle;
rect2 = antenna.Rectangle;
rect2.Length = 1e-7;
rect2.Center = [0,0.75];

Add rectangle 1 and rectangle 2.

rect3 = rect1 + rect2
rect3 = 
  Polygon with properties:

        Name: 'mypolygon'
    Vertices: [8x3 double]


Remove slivers.

rect4 = removeSlivers(rect3,1e-6)
rect4 = 
  Polygon with properties:

        Name: 'mypolygon'
    Vertices: [4x3 double]


Input Arguments

collapse all

2-D shape with sliver outlier, specified as either:

Data Types: function

Sliver tolerance, specified as a nonnegative scalar.

Data Types: double

Version History

Introduced in R2020b

See Also