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Simscape Electrical 関数 - アルファベット順

ee.spice.diodeSubcircuit2lookupGenerate lookup table data for two-terminal devices from SPICE subcircuit (R2023a 以降)
ee.spice.semiconductorSubcircuit2lookupGenerate lookup table data for three-terminal or four-terminal devices from SPICE subcircuit (R2022a 以降)
ee_calculateFluxPartialDerivativesCalculate flux partial derivatives for FEM-Parameterized PMSM block
ee_calculateThdPercentCompute the total harmonic distortion (THD) percentage
ee_comtradeDatasetRead and extract values from COMTRADE record (R2020b 以降)
ee_convertedmosfetvalidationGenerate standard MOSFET characteristics for Simscape and validate conversion results against SPICE simulation tool (R2020b 以降)
ee_generateIdealPMSMfluxDataGenerate tabulated flux linkage data for ideal PMSM
ee_getBillOfMaterialsGenerate report for current model and all subsystems (R2020b 以降)
ee_getCauerFromFosterGet equivalent resistance and capacitance vectors for Cauer Thermal Model block from Foster Thermal Model block (R2022b 以降)
ee_getEfficiencyCalculate efficiency as function of dissipated power losses
ee_getHarmonicsReturn harmonic orders, magnitudes, and fundamental frequency
ee_getNodeDvDtSummaryCalculate maximum absolute values of terminal voltage time derivatives (dv/dt) based on logged simulation data
ee_getNodeDvDtTimeSeriesCalculate rates-of-change of voltage variables
ee_getPowerLossSummaryCalculate dissipated power losses and switching losses
ee_getPowerLossTimeSeriesCalculate dissipated power losses and switching losses, and return time series data
ee_importDeviceParametersXML ファイルから Simscape Electrical IGBT (Ideal, Switching) ブロック、MOSFET (Ideal, Switching) ブロック、および Diode ブロックへのデバイス パラメーターのインポート (R2021b 以降)
ee_plotHarmonicsPlot percentage of fundamental magnitude versus harmonic order
generateMotorDriveROMGenerate reduced-order model of motor drive system (R2024a 以降)
power_analyzeAnalyze electric circuit
power_AsynchronousMachineParamsEstimate electrical parameters of double cage asynchronous machine based on standard manufacturer specifications
power_cableparamCompute RLC parameters and frequency-dependent model parameters of a group of cables
power_customizePrepare a Simscape Electrical Specialized Power Systems block for customization
power_fftscopeFourier analysis of simulation data signals
power_flickerPerform statistical analysis of instantaneous flicker level signal
power_hysteresisView and edit hysteresis characteristic for saturable core of Saturable Transformer blocks
power_initSet initial state values of model built with Simscape Electrical Specialized Power Systems software
power_initstatesCompute and modify initial values of voltages and currents of model
power_lineparamCompute RLC parameters of overhead transmission line from its conductor characteristics and tower geometry
power_loadflowPerform positive-sequence load flow or unbalanced load flow and initialize models containing load flow blocks
power_ltiviewCreate state-space object of model for use with the Linear System Analyzer tool
power_new必須のブロックとよく使用されるブロックが取り込まれた新規の Simscape Electrical Specialized Power Systems モデルを作成
power_PMSynchronousMachineParamsConvert manufacturer specifications to mask parameters of Permanent Magnet Synchronous Machine block
power_reportGenerate report of steady state variables, initial states, and machine load flow for model
power_statespaceCompute state-space model of linear electrical circuit
power_steadystateCompute steady-state values of voltages and currents of model
power_zmeterモデルの Impedance Measurement ブロックによるインピーダンスの周波数特性を計算
subcircuit2sscConvert SPICE subcircuit to custom Simscape components